Kodi media center

Kodi media center is a free cross-platform media-player jukebox and
entertainment hub. Kodi can play a spectrum of of multimedia formats,
and featuring playlist, audio visualizations, slideshow, and weather
forecast functions, together third-party plugins.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed Actions
14.1-Helix.tar.gz 0070832109 67.6 MB almost 10 years
_service 0000000058 58 Bytes about 10 years
float_tk.patch 0000000379 379 Bytes about 10 years
kodi-noX.changes 0000012912 12.6 KB almost 10 years
kodi-noX.spec 0000014162 13.8 KB almost 10 years
kodi.changes 0000012912 12.6 KB almost 10 years
kodi.spec 0000014158 13.8 KB almost 10 years
pre_checkin.sh 0000000328 328 Bytes about 10 years
pvr-addons-enable-all.patch 0000000316 316 Bytes about 10 years
Revision 8 (latest revision is 209)
Sagi Ben-Akiva Sagi Ben-Akiva (sagiben) committed almost 10 years ago (revision 8)
- Update to Kodi 14.1 Helix Bugfix release
    * Fix: incorrect video screensize on Android AML devices
    * Fix: potential segfault when silencing audio
    * Fix: do not skip streaminfo if format is not know.
    * Fix: DXVA flickering on AMD
    * Fix: prevent possible over-flow in ALSA
    * Fix: possible sorting problems in library
    * Fix: possible problem in library navigation
    * Fix: don’t scroll text when it’s set to not do it
    * Fix: scroll text if it’s too long on spinner controls
    * Fix: don’t overlap PVR search labels
    * Fix: bug in DLNA client string on iOS
    * Fix: updated several PVR add-ons
    * Fix: remember played state of video when started from recently added
    * Fix: correct vsync on OSX
    * Fix: broken keyboard input
    * Fix: prevent crash on circular dependencies of add-ons
    * Fix: large file support on Android
    * Fix: random exiting on Android x86 builds (Nexus Player for example)

- Update to Kodi 14.1 Helix Bugfix release
    * Fix: incorrect video screensize on Android AML devices
    * Fix: potential segfault when silencing audio
    * Fix: do not skip streaminfo if format is not know.
    * Fix: DXVA flickering on AMD
    * Fix: prevent possible over-flow in ALSA
    * Fix: possible sorting problems in library
    * Fix: possible problem in library navigation
    * Fix: don’t scroll text when it’s set to not do it
    * Fix: scroll text if it’s too long on spinner controls
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